take your marks

Embark on a transformative journey towards leadership excellence and high-performing teams

Welcome to

Take Your Marks:

Your Partner in High Performing Leadership and Teams


About Take Your marks

Core principles

At Take Your Marks, we believe that exceptional leadership goes hand in hand with a set of core principles that shape our approach.

With a foundation rooted in international sports as a player and coach, and bolstered by over 25 years of leadership experience across SE Asia and the UK, our founder leads Take Your Marks in embodying these precepts at every turn.


our guiding precepts

do the right thing

At Take Your Marks, integrity is non-negotiable. We are committed to consistently making ethical decisions that align with our clients' best interests and the well-being of their teams. Doing the right thing is our compass in all interactions and interventions.

Add Value, Every Time

Our mission is to provide more than just consultancy services; we strive to deliver enduring value. With each engagement, we aim to leave our clients equipped with tools, insights, and strategies that continue to generate benefits long after our work is done.

Be Better Than Last Time

Just as excellence is a constant pursuit in sports, we bring the same mindset to our consultancy. We view each engagement as an opportunity to exceed expectations, continuously refining our approaches to deliver ever-improving results.

Give More Than You Agreed

Take Your Marks is driven by a spirit of generosity. Our commitment to delivering exceptional results extends beyond contractual obligations. We go the extra mile to provide insights, support, and solutions that exceed what was initially agreed upon.


How We Do It

So many will tell you they don’t do chalk and talk before going right ahead with “powerpoint and preach”.
Our business DNA is in teaching. Our founder has a B.Ed (Hons) in PE and a Postgrad in Higher Education Teaching. More than anything we know that our job isn’t to teach.

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”


When you work with us we want to you to be talking about it and thinking about it years down the line. Rarely has anyone said, “Wow, slide 46 was inspirational!”

Blended (properly)

Real blended learning takes everything available and produces the correct environment. It’s about more than something for everyone, it’s everything for everyone. With that in mind we create learning solutions using 4 factors:

Physical Space

The natural environment is the biggest classroom we have. Sometimes we need to be indoors but sometimes inspiration comes from taking advantage of what’s on our doorstep! Imagine testing Lencioni’s 5 dysfunctions of a Team whilst exploring Corrie Fee or taking part in a game of quick cricket!


Social connection is the engine behind your business. A 2022 McKinsey article suggests better connected people are one and a half times more likely to be engaged in their work. All our sessions are designed to foster greater connections between your people through the use of group work, peer learning, coaching and cooperative techniques.


We believe the outcome is important. That’s why we take a flexible approach to programme design and incorporate the same thinking into our sessions. Our experience tells us no matter how much we plan, there’s always exciting paths learners want to follow. If it fits with what we’ve agreed as an outcome, we’ll take them!


We are more than run of the mill training. Our approach is to create new, exciting and unique training experiences to inspire learning and meet your outcomes. That’s why nothing is off the table with us in terms of how our delivery takes place.

A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality."



High Performing Teams

Our High Performing Teams programme draws inspiration from our experiences in assembling and guiding exceptional teams. We understand the intricate dynamics of collaboration, communication, and motivation that drive teams to transcend boundaries. Through interactive workshops, team assessments, and ongoing support, we equip your teams with the strategies to enhance trust, synergy, and peak performance.

Executive Coaching

Alan’s journey from athlete to coach to accomplished leader equips him with a unique ability to connect with executives on a profound level. Our Executive Coaching services provide personalized guidance, leveraging Alan’s own insights to navigate the complexities of leadership roles. Through one-on-one sessions, Alan empowers executives to unleash their potential, elevate their decision-making, and inspire those around them.

Team Culture Enhancement

With our global leadership experience, we recognize the universal importance of a healthy team culture. Our Team Culture Enhancement program reflects our commitment to fostering an environment where diverse talents flourish harmoniously. We delve into your team’s values, norms, and behaviours, crafting a culture that aligns with your organisation’s vision and drives engagement, innovation, and collaboration.

Change Leadership

From the unpredictable nature of sports to the evolving business landscape, our expertise in change leadership stems from years of adapting to new challenges. Our Change Leadership program empowers leaders to steer organisations through transformational journeys with unwavering confidence. We provide tools to anticipate, communicate, and guide teams through change, enabling seamless transitions and sustainable growth.

Resilience Building

The modern business landscape demands resilience in the face of setbacks, a lesson we have whole heartedly embraced. Our Resilience Building workshops encapsulate our journey, equipping leaders with tools to bounce back and thrive amidst adversity. Through interactive and highly practical sessions, we enhance emotional intelligence, stress management, and adaptability, fostering a growth mindset that thrives in uncertain times.

Pro Bono Work for Education Leaders

At Take Your Marks, our commitment to making a positive impact extends beyond corporate settings. We recognize the vital role that education leaders play in shaping future generations. Our unwavering dedication to supporting education leaders underscores our belief in the transformative power of effective leadership within educational settings.

TYM Futures Initiative

Through our TYM Futures Initiative, we collaborate closely with educators, administrators, and educational institutions to enhance leadership skills. By equipping education leaders with the tools they need to excel, we aim to create a ripple effect that reverberates through classrooms, campuses, and communities.

Our mission is to amplify the positive influence of future education leaders, fostering an environment of growth, innovation, and lasting impact.

why TYM?

Why Choose
Take Your Marks?

Global Perspective

With an extensive background in leading teams across diverse cultural landscapes, Take Your Marks offers a global perspective that transcends boundaries. Our solutions are tailored to address the unique challenges and dynamics of your specific context, ensuring that our strategies resonate across cultures and industries.

Proven Results

Take Your Marks boasts a track record of delivering tangible, transformative results. Our methods have consistently elevated teams' performance, nurtured collaborative cultures, and guided organisations through successful change initiatives. We bring a legacy of success that speaks volumes about the effectiveness of our approach.

Personalized Approach

We understand that each organisation is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution to leadership challenges. Our customised approach ensures that our strategies are aligned with your specific goals, values, and vision. We collaborate closely with you to co-create solutions that resonate with your organization's identity.

Dedication to Social Impact

Our commitment to pro bono work for education leaders is a testament to our dedication to positive change. We believe in giving back to the community and fostering leadership potential where it matters most. By empowering education leaders, we contribute to a brighter future for students, communities, and society as a whole.

Legacy of Excellence

Our dedication to ethical conduct, excellence, and continuous improvement sets us apart. We are not just about achieving immediate results; we strive to leave a lasting legacy of exceptional leadership within your organization. Your success is our success, and we are invested in helping you achieve enduring excellence.

Join Take Your Marks

Join Take Your Marks on a journey that blends our proven strategies with a commitment to global perspectives, social responsibility, and a legacy of excellence.

Let’s together propel your team towards a future of success, innovation, and high performance.


Still Have Some Questions?

Get in Touch with Us: +44 1382 671031

Contact us today to embark on a transformative journey towards leadership excellence and high-performing teams, guided by our unparalleled insights, experience, and commitment to creating a positive impact.